Friday, October 30, 2009

Haha OMG and I just saw this:

From the first sentence of Brooks' previous op-ed:

"Humans are overconfident creatures."

LOLZ. But Obama should totally go with his gut determination on Afghanistan.

Although I do have to admit I kind of agree with this statement: "Over the past year, the bonfire of overconfidence has shifted to Washington. Since the masters of finance have been exposed as idiots, the masters of government have concluded (somewhat illogically) that they must be really smart."

Nevertheless, then we get back into wtf territory with this paragraph:

"Nobody seriously believes high pay caused the financial meltdown; it was bubblicious groupthink. But cutting executive pay just polls so well.

Every great action can be done in a spirit of humility or in a spirit of overconfidence. Regulating pay in a spirit of humility would mean rebalancing the power between shareholders and executives, without getting government involved in micromanaging individual pay decisions."

This is just annoying op-ed-iness. People who do not rely on public opinion polls don't all actually believe that shareholders are the best people to renegotiate executive pay:

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