Friday, October 23, 2009

Getting Ranty, or, Sit Down and STFU

I'm sick of reading about how women pay higher health insurance premiums and things like Caesarians and domestic violence are considered pre-existing conditions. Oh, and fat people should pay more for health care because they will use the system more. The John Kyl view holds that people who will never use these services shouldn't have to pay for them (nevermind the fact that body weight is not a great proxy for who will need cardiac care or diabetes management).

People, I am so sick of this.

We all pay into the system one way or another, and some of us rely on some parts of the system more heavily than others. Some of us use public education, others have health issues that require expensive treatment, others have violence committed against them and need law enforcement services. If you do not need to rely on state services at all for whatever reason, THE CORRECT RESPONSE IS NOT TO WHINE ABOUT PAYING FOR OTHER PEOPLE, IT IS TO BE FUCKING GRATEFUL THAT YOU DO NOT NEED THESE SERVICES. Education, health, law enforcement, maternity care--these things are public goods that we all benefit from whether or not you yourself are benefiting directly. I REPEAT: AN EDUCATED, HEALTHY, SAFE, PRODUCTIVE SOCIETY BENEFITS EVERYONE. So if you are complaining about how your premium shouldn't reflect the cost of fat people or mothers or people with disabilities or domestic violence victims, SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.

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