Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I am having a lot of fun with the WaPo limerick contest (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/postpartisan/2008/11/tell-the-campaign-in-a-limeric.html):

There once was a small town mayor,
Who when criticized cried, "that's not fair!
My opponent is elite
And will bring us defeat
And pals around with terrorists like Bill Ayers!"

Posted by: lizziellen November 4, 2008 11:13 AM

The ads this campaign have been wiley,
Invoking Paris and Britney and Miley.
But we the people know better,
Even in states that are redder,
Than to believe the likes of O'Reilly.

Posted by: lizziellen November 4, 2008 11:23 AM

Sarah Palin has caused quite the mania,
You betcha, she'll out-campaign ya.
The states she did take
Are Pro-America, not fake,
But she won't get 1600 Pennsylvania!


Sarah Palin has caused quite the mania,
You betcha, she'll out-campaign ya.
Some Americans are "pro",
Others "fake", lmao,
Lucky us "fakers" have 1600 Pennsylvania!

or, courtesy Sannie,

Sarah Palin has caused quite the mania,
You betcha, she'll out-campaign ya.
Some Americans are "pro",
Others "fake", doncha know,
Lucky us "fakers" have 1600 Pennsylvania!

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