Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Election Nerves

tj: i think its going to be a close election and it will make tuesday night interesting

me: popular-vote wise i think it will be a close election, but i think it will be pretty much an electoral landslide for Obama

tj: have you not heard obamas warning!? this is the last week, things arent over! its not the time to claim victory!!

me: i'm not claiming victory, i'm just telling you what i think
my gut is telling me that "undecideds" are going to break strongly for McCain
the data seem to show that they are not going to break strongly enough
but as odd as it is to say with him being a republican and kind of tempermental, I think in the privacy of the voting booth, McCain will seem like the safer choice to a lot of people
stick with the devil you know, right
but i'm going to go on the polling data with this one because usually it is right, and say that Obama has enough support that a strong independent break for McCain isn't going to be enough for him

tj: lets hope you're right

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