Tuesday, September 23, 2008


me: “While the New York Times and other media outlets were silent in the face of Barack Obama’s shameless and dishonorable attack on John Mccain, even Obama’s own running mate has now condemned the ad as terrible,” said spokesman Brian Rogers in a statement. “Barack Obama has brought the sleazy gutter politics of Chicago to our national stage, exposing his call for a ‘new politics’ as a lie and embarrassing even his own running mate with the low road campaign he’s running.”


campaigners must have so much fun writing these things. it's like, How much can we get away with, how many negative words can we string into one sound bite

politics should not be this machiavellian; it's like the mccain campaign ppl live in an alternate universe. how can they get away with this??

D: the same way that their support increased when palin joined the ticket; people will believe what they want to believe, and pick out the parts that fall in line with what they want to hear and ignore the rest. and now they are making it so that to respond Obama will have to appear to be on the defensive

me: but can any normal rational person really appreciate this kind of blatant hypocrisy and hyperbole?

D: most people are not rational when it comes to politics. their own prejiduces interfere too much

me: sure, when it comes to their vote, but this level of two-facedness is unprecedented

D: yeah, it is so frustrating

me: PALIN: Yes it is gridlock and that's ridiculous. That's why we don't have an energy policy. That's why there hasn't been the reform of the abuse of the earmark process. And real reform is tough and you do ruffle feathers along the way. But John McCain has that streak of independence in him that I think is very, very important in America today in our leadership.

what level of consciousness do you think that Palin has when she is saying this, that McCain never showed up to vote when the energy bill came up...8 times. and of course Hannity won't call her on it

D: i'm sure that wasn't actually her speaking, they have probably taught him how to disguise and project his voice so it sounds like her but is actually him. you know they don't let her say anything that hasn't come straight from them

me: hahaha

PALIN: I have that within me also. And that's why John McCain tapped me to be a team of mavericks, of independents coming in there without the allegiances to that cronyism, to that good ole' boy system.

isn't "team of mavericks" kind of oxymoronic?

me: PALIN: Well, what we're doing up there is returning a share of resource development dollars back to the people who own the resources. And our constitution up there mandates that as you develop resources it's to be for the maximum benefit of the people, not the corporations, not the government, but the people of Alaska.

Sounds like socialism to me

D: haha, socialism, but where the majority of the money goes to the oil companies and to build more hockey rinks

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