Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Feminist Question

Putting aside the massively depressing implication that Warner recognizes this attitude because she believes it to be somehow written into the female condition, let's consider that there are any number of women who could have been John McCain's running mate -- from Olympia Snowe to Christine Todd Whitman to Kay Bailey Hutchison to Elizabeth Dole to Condoleezza Rice -- who would not have provoked this reaction. Democrats might well have been repulsed and infuriated by these women's policy positions. But we would not have been sitting around worrying about how scared they looked.

-from http://www.salon.com/mwt/feature/2008/09/30/palin_pity/index.html

I think the real feminist question is not what other women could McCain have chosen, but what other candidate, regardless of sex, could McCain have chosen with "Maverick" credentials who would have been better suited to the job than Palin. I guess that's why Joe Lieberman is so upset.

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