Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ross Douthat's First Post


Do you think a Palin candidacy would be a similar test? While her platform hasn't cristalized the way Cheney's has, she represents "real conservatism" to many on the right: tax cuts and "pit-bullish" foreign policy, a get-the-govt-off-our-backs mentality that seems akin to the bare-bones conservatism you attribute to Cheney. However, you can't ignore her Christian side, which is a powerful tool for her pro-life, anti-marriage equality stance...are these the kinds of social issues that Cheney doesn't have time for? While Palin does embody these issues, she seems to be less of a "compassionate conservative" in the way that Bush was with school vouchers and faith-based initiatives, unless her emphasis on special education turns into a full-fledged focus on social issues. Do you think we have evidence that she would turn out to be one kind of candidate or the other? And which one is the "real conservative?" The one that strips away social issues and religion, or the one that uses religion but in a limited way to push only a few core issues like abortion and gay marriage?

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