Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rant for the Day

I like Meghan McCain. This is on the basis of having read maybe 3 of her articles and I'm sure we disagree on a lot of things, but I like her. Maybe because I can relate to her as a Class of 07 grad from a top tier school. In any case, my rant has not to do with Laura Ingraham's disgusting personal slur against her body image, but rather with ABC's coverage of the verbal back-and-forth between the two women. The issue here is first of all fixating on size in a public arena where it should be irrelevant, but also the issue of it being socially acceptable for a woman to make this kind of comment about another woman. (The backlash against Ingraham would actually suggest the opposite, that it is not socially acceptable; in any case the publicity is good for them both.) I'm ranting because Meghan responded gracefully about respecting women for their ideas, and ABC had the fucking nerve to title an article "GOP Catfight Gets Personal."

I understand they are in the business of grabbing attention with headlines. I don't care. This f-ing makes me sick. The news industry obviously needs to rethink it's entire business ethic for a number of reasons. Let's hope that whatever they come up with doesn't corrupt the news with vulgar commercialism.

1 comment:

Elise said...

I can't believe I am reading this on ABC news, which is supposed to have an iota of credibility, at least. You title this article "GOP Catfight Gets Personal"--are you kidding me? McCain is calling women out on the social acceptability of attacking each other for our weight, and you go ahead and exacerbate the problem by referring to it as a "catfight". I expect to see that kind of yellow journalism on TheSuperficial. It's disgusting and sexist, and I hope that when the news industry reevaluates its business model as it will have to if it wants to survive, it can come up with something with more integrity than the corruption of news with vulgar commercialism and pandering.