Friday, June 27, 2008

Here is an excerpt taken from Brooks' op-ed piece today:

"Several years ago, Tim Pawlenty, the Minnesota governor, said the Republicans should be the party of Sam’s Club, not the country club. This line is the animating spirit of “Grand New Party.” Douthat and Salam argue that the Republicans rode to the majority because of support from the Reagan Democrats, and if the party has a future, it will be because it understands the dreams and tribulations of working-class Americans."

"Sam's Club" Americans represent 3/4 of this nation's a two-party system, shouldn't we all be the party of Sam's Club Americans? Democrats may not have been running the country well, but the programs they support have helped a lot more Sam's Club Americans than trickle-down. Maybe I should read the book...I'd look for it to explain how we can progress beyond the small government vs. social programs dichotomy into a system that manages to do both. That is way beyond the "Grand New Party"; if Douthat and Salam have a plan that serves the working class and diminshes government, we won't need a Grand New Party--we'll have transcended both parties.

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